How to choose your baseball bat size and weight

When choosing baseball bat size, there are a few things to consider. If you or your child is new to the game, the very first thing you need to determine, are the rules for bat size and length for the league that you are involved in. If you haven’t already, check out my page on baseball bat rules. The last thing you want is to purchase a new bat, and find out that it is not allowed in the league you’re playing in.

Once you’ve determined the rules of your league, lets discuss other considerations. Weight will be the most important. Many players (mainly youngsters) have a tendency to want to swing a bigger and heavier bat than is necessary. Just because you may be swinging a bigger or longer bat, does not mean you will be hitting the ball any harder.

If a bat is too long or heavy, you will do just the opposite. Ask yourself this question when choosing baseball bat size. Which bat will give me the best bat speed?? BAT SPEED is what gives a hitter power. If you cannot get the bat through the strike zone quickly, you are swinging a bat that is too heavy. You need to base your entire selection process around this question.

So since bat speed is our number one goal, it would make sense that the lighter the bat, the better. You will want the lightest bat possible for the length that allows you to cover all of the strike zone. The rule of thumb here would be to pick out the longest bat possible, without sacrificing any tiny bit of bat speed.

Weight and bat speed are the most important, but length is important as well. If you were to step up to the plate, swing the bat and stop your swing with the bat right over the plate, it should be able to cover all 17 inches of the width of the plate. There is no sense in swinging a bat that is too short if you are comfortable with a heavier weight. But remember, never sacrifice bat speed for length. If this is an issue, you can always stand closer to the plate.

Try swinging several bats to see which ones feel the most comfortable to you before choosing your baseball bat size. When I say comfortable, I mean you should feel like you could smack a line drive off the outfield wall. You don’t want to be swinging a big log that you can’t handle.

Use these generic baseball bat size charts to get an idea of where to start. Do not base your selection on these charts alone. Always swing the bat to get a feel for it before making any decisions.

Determining bat length based on player height and weight.

71-80 28″28″29″30″30″31″ 
81-90 28″29″29″30″30″31″32″ 
91-100 28″29″30″30″31″31″32″ 
101-110 29″29″30″30″31″31″32″ 
111-120 29″29″30″30″31″31″32″ 
121-130 29″30″30″30″31″32″33″33″ 
131-140 29″30″30″31″31″32″33″33″ 
141-150  30″30″31″31″32″33″33″ 
151-160  30″31″31″32″32″33″33″33″
161-180   31″31″32″32″33″33″34″
181-190     32″33″33″34″34″
190+      33″33″34″34″

Determining bat length based on player age.


You should also consider the grip when making your selection. Unless you intend to buy a new grip to put on, or fashion your own, (which you may want to do), make sure that the the grip feels good in your hands. Some hitters like a very thin grip, while others prefer a thicker and squishier one. This is a personal preference.

In summary, when choosing baseball bat size, you just want a bat that feels good to you. Chances are that if you feel comfortable and confident with the bat you’ve chosen, it is the bat for you. Good luck!

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